2014 first time in the ring won his first 2 legs
2015 earned his last leg-went BIS WOW
what a powerful - correct - handsome buck
congrates Bob & Julie
photo courtesy helderberg hollow nigerians
Sire: GCH Rosasharn BB Tom Bombadil +*B - 2 RGCH, 3 GCH & 1 BIS
SS: Rosasharn WT B-BO *S
Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S
ARMCH Rosasharn UMT Honey Bee 4*D
SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*D VEEE 91 Top Ten DHI Breed Leader & ADGA '10 National Champion & Best Udder
Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n
ARMCH Rosasharn Unagi 4*D
courtesy helderburg hollow nigerians
Dam: Chenango-Hills Tatyana - 1 GCH, 3 RGCH & 1 Jr GCH
DS: Chenango-Hills Bilbao Baggins *B
Chenango-Hills Ring Bearer *B
Chenango-Hills IP Goddess 10*D top 10 DHI
DD: Chenango-Hills Unique 5*D Top Ten DHI
(Rosasharn CH Uproar +*B
Rosasharn's TL Gorda 4*D Top 10 DHI Breed Leader
courtesy helderberg hollow nigerians
CH Helderberg TB Pink Honeysuckle
as a FF
DOB 03/11/11
courtesy of Helderberg hollow nigerians
Sire: GCH Rosasharn BB Tom Bombadil +*B 2 RGCH, 3 GCH & 1 BIS
SS: Rosasharn WT B-BO *S
Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S
ARMCH Rosasharn UMT Honey Bee 4*D
SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*D
VEEE 91 Top Ten DHI Breed Leader & ADGA '10
Top Ten DHI Breed Leader
Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n
ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 3*M
courtesy of Helderberg hollow nigerians
Dam: SGCH Doe-Sy-Doe Thumbelina 8*D 90 EEEV
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S E
ARMCH Goodwood Kauri Tree ++*S
Goodwood Guadalupe 4*D
DD: Doe-Sy-Doe's Honey Bun 7*D E 2000 AGS National Sr. Res Champion
Stonewall's Phineaus Redux
MCH Stonewall's L'il Honeysuckle 6*D E
courtesy of Helderberg hollow nigerians
dec 2015 bred to Chenango-Hills PV Brigadier